All the Terms and Conditions are not only set to protect our interests, they are also designed with our customers' well-being in mind. We want to be fair to our customers too.
- Strictly NO REFUND or EXCHANGE for any item posted.
These are intimate items so I believe you wouldn't want to be getting an exchanged item.
- Refund will only be given if desired item is out of stock. However we encourage our customers to choose alternative item. Top-ups will be required if the alternate item is of higher value.
  - All prices quoted are in Singapore Dollars and are inclusive of Normal Mailing. We keep things simple so what you see is what you pay!
- All items are sent via Normal Mail within Singapore.
An additional of $2.50 for registered mailing.
For International Customers, please click here
- Colors may vary slightly due to PC resolutions/ pixels.
We will try to keep things as close as possible!
- By making payment, you are deemed to have agreed to our Terms and Conditions.
- Terms and Conditions are subjected to changes (in a fair manner).